ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

345 Granby, Norfolk, Virginia

The Fontaine Room
345 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia
circa early 1900s

Here is my find today in my lettering and topography quest near the TCC downtown Norfolk, Virginia campus.

You may see a few more from downtown Norfolk for the next couple of days, since I am going to be in that area everyday for the next week. I do hope the rains lightens each day for a quick walk and photo. Also hope not to bore too completely.

This in-pavement signage is at the entrance to a lower-than-street-level shop space or other basement level room. This entrance is just to the immediate left of the grand entrance to the Madison Hotel which I posted a few days ago.

As you can see the lesser important words, 'THE' and 'ROOM', are set in a sans serif typeface. In addition, these two words are set in capital letters which are more difficult to read than words with descenders and ascendents, but they are also centered in the design top and bottom which adds weight and bracketing to the main word.

The more important word, 'Fontaine' is set in a much larger decorative typeface complete with flourish and fine-hand script elegance.

I am thinking this may have been an entrance to a bar & dance parlor that was attached to the hotel. This business needed a street entrance so not to interfere with the hotel guests unnecessarily, but also so that it could do a business with different hours from the hotel.

Other urban topography & lettering photos in this series:

In Olde Towne Portsmouth, Virginia
All Saints Chapel : 500 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Bangel Law Building : 505 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Portsmouth Public Library : 606 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Pythian Castle : 600-612 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Chapman Building : 310 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Coffee House Facade : 300 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Towne Bank Building : 200 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA

In downtown Norfolk, Virginia
Martin Building : 300 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Velvet Lounge : 332 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Madison Hotel : 345 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
The Fontaine Room : 345 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

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