A Day of Joy!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! That's all I can say about today! My whole day was filled with love and joy! Everybody was so kind and caring, I can hardly believe there are so many people who cares for me!

Today was my 64th birthday, and the day started very early with sms's, phone calls, facebook messages, e-mails, lovely gifts from C&R snr, R jnr, Joe and Lillian and as soon as I arrived at school, I was overwhelmed with 'happy birthday' songs, hugs, more gifts, and then the Gr2 and Gr3 darlings called me to the amphitheatre where they sang the most beautiful gospel songs, especially for 'Ouma Helen'!

Guys, my whole day was filled with tears of joy! I always prayed for a big family, but I was almost sure God forgot I asked, until now, at age 64, when he gave me this huge family to work with every day!

After work, Anrie's prezzie brought more joy, then J My Magic Kingdom arrived with the most gorgeous little surprise, which I think I will use for my 1095th Blipday in a couple of weeks!! Hiehiehie - now I got all of you guessing!! ;-)

A bit later my loveliest phone call and birthday song came through from Stockholm MissU2 and then little Wilhelm turned up at the front door with more prezzies, with his mom and dad following him with little Lianey and last, but not least, Ernie and Adelle came over to join us all for tea and cake, bringing some niceties for bathtime!

What a lovely day!! I thank everybody who made this day special for me, LuvUAll!

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