Night shots 10 - A boat at the harbour

I'm not finding this theme easy, but getting there...

I was off today. The weather was so warm for November, by the way! Bizarre!

I had quite a long list of things to catch up with today, which I'm getting through slowly. I'm doing a small translation for a friend as well, which I'm gonna do when I finish with this. So yes, just catching up with stuff, went to the gym as well, but nothing really exciting happened. Not even bizarre dreams! Hahaha!

Tomorrow I have to get up early because I've got an appointment with the dentist at 8.30 am. Too early! The only good thing about it is that I have a rather attractive dentist! :)

I'll have a long day at work as well, probably finishing at around ten in the evening, so you can expect a late and probably not great blip tomorrow!

Off for something to eat and do the translation and I'll catch up with your blips later on. Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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