Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Over Capacity

A bit of a metaphor, but also an opportunity to vent an annoyance.

The more journals I read and the more I speak to people it is clear that we are all over capacity. Important things are suffering as a result. Has it always been like this, or are pressures increasing in a way to keep the masses busy, yet, on average, comfortable?

I told my class this week about a business trip I once took to Denmark, my first visit to the country. I was in the office doing an IT survey (it had another name, but that part of my brain has degraded too much and I forget!) and everyone got up and walked out at the same time, early in my opinion at about 16:00 or thereabouts. I asked them what they were doing and got the response, "The schools are closing - we're off to get our children and spend time with them." They all looked at me as if I was ridiculous for asking. Our culture could learn from that - I have never forgotten it.

And my vent......I am not sure if it is just me, or my Chrome browser, or a general flood of Blippers at a certain time, but I am getting a lot of "Sorry, we're over capacity....check us out on Twitter" messages when I try to get onto Blip to post or, mainly, comment. When I do get to my subscribed journals it takes ages to load and submitting comments can take up to 2 minutes. It has led to me missing commenting for quite a few days here and there.
If it is just me - damn - please let me know if it peeps. If not, come on Blip - sort your load balancing and servers out please....please :)

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