
By Ilaria

Another year older!!

Have had a great day you can tell from my title....yep, Birthday time!! :-)) Went out for lunch and the rest of the afternoon!! Lunch was just delicious....and bought some lovely Italian bread to eat tonight!! Mmm!! :-)) A great improvement on normal...I'm so used to working was odd to be off!! And if I was not working, I was finishing off studying for my nursing degree until last November!! Generally I celebrate it sometime between now and another friend's birthday in early December!! I've been terrible at arranging anything this year again my photography course has taken over!! Oops!! Going through to Edinburgh in a day or two that's nice!!

Did actually put up a quick blip this morning, thinking I'd followed all the blip central rules...a shot of a funny card I got!! (I was in a hurry!! Lol!!) Then I remembered the copyright rules and quickly deleted it!! Don't know if that was the start...or because I'm a year older...but a bit of a giggly day!!! Lol!! I think the accidental driving down a one way street the wrong way when out didn't help!! And the fact that work,etc has been fairly stressful of late...for me and the friend I was out with...but de-stressing involved a lot of laughter!! I feel much chirpier..that's for sure!! A good day was had!!

Then I went home via PC World, and nearly succumbed to a new laptop!! NOOOO!!!! :-))

The shot was a bit of an emergency really, taken outside my friend's flat at the Clydeside...and being birthday and all....I'm heading off to watch a movie, and phone a few folk, and won't be doing too much commenting tonight!! Sorry!! But back tomorrow!! :-)))

Night!! :-)))

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