Skip's Blips

By Skip

Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae)

This week I have witnessed another example of what a wonderful, helpful bunch of people you Blippers are. Two days ago I posted a picture of a "small white flying thing". I didn't even know if it was a moth or a butterfly (I was guessing moth). So I posed that question. The first to reply was Jaxter who thought it was a cabbage white butterfly...definitely a butterfly. Others commented too, among them MissU2 who said it was a lovely shot of Pieris rapae, and provided this link.

Thank you one and all for your replies and your comments. Blip is truly a wonderful community, and I am so happy to be a part of it. When I blipped this small cabbage white today, it was with a new appreciation for this tiny flying creature and a growing appreciation for the Blip community.

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