stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

This Little Piggie too...

I should have blipped before I left Largs!

Just before I left, there was a power cut. "Rats deserting the sinking ship" my dad said as put on my coat. Hahaha! I phoned mum on the mobile when I got in and she'd been in touch with the electricity company. She was told that anyone who had lost power yesterday, they were hoping to reconnect by 6pm tonight and those who lost power today, by 6pm tomorrow!

Fortunately I'd been sent on my way with one final blow out breakie. A full fry up. Mmmmm... actually the first (and last) of the holidays. Plenty of bacon rolls though in between. Checked the festive eating damage when I got back and I've put on a little under half a stone. Not as bad as I thought but the Weightwatcher meals are in the fridge ready to get back on track.

Well I made it back to Auld Reekie in one piece. Lots of local flooding especially along the coast and some damage to the sea wall on the road between Largs and Skermorlie but apart from lots and lots and lots of surface water and a few small branches, it was a clear run from there to here. Wind is picking up again though. Apart from being a wee bit on the baltic side, nothing to report in the flat.

Tonight's blip is another macro. Even more abstract than yesterdays, this is the face of my Richard Pell piglet given to me by my sister. The metal wall clock is hand crafted using heat techniques and surface grinding. Another pig for my collection...

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