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By musings

Double-Crested Cormorant Comes In For Landing

It is another bleak rainy day in Portland Oregon, but I got a wonderful visit from a juvenile Double-Crested Cormorant in the pond out back this morning. What a surprise to see this bird...I was shocked as you don't see these very often or only near salt water or the big rivers.

But in he flew and landed on the fountain head which is not turned on today.....he hung there for quite a while and I went out with my camera in a ziploc bag...hoping I could approach and get a closer shot. I walked fairly close before he decided to take off and light in the pond. Then he swam and swam with the other ducks, making large circles, and keeping his head always raised as though he thought he was quite special. Several times he got close enough for some good shots. Then he swam back to the fountain head and jumped back up.

Then my battery went dead.........oh bummer! By the time I got inside and replaced it, he flew off. For more shots of my visitor, CLICK HERE!

To learn more about these Cormorants, Click Here!

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