Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By cdsvfdcs

Popup Play

I played a bit with some book pop up ideas I got from the children's book talk on sunday and thought the shadows from this were kind of fun......-and interesting to TRY to photograph......and the color is in honor of Valentine's Day!

A mini review of the "Gauguin - Elusive Paradise" exhibit we saw last night. It's much more than the artist's paintings - there are wonderful wooden carvings from the Pacific Polynesian islands, Tahiti, the Marchesas, and how this well traveled French artist related to them and did some of his own carvings (when he ran out of canvas!) as well as a big influence from New Zealand and the Maori culture which he saw in a visit there at the end of the 19th C. Also his woodcuts for his book Noa Noa are there, and some drawings... the exhibit has been to Copenhagen and Seattle in the only North American Stop so if you are near, it's a good chance to see this part of the world in sculpture and paint. There were wonderful local polynesian dancers at the opening !
It's easy to look up info on the internet....

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