Adam's Images

By ajt


Yesterday we had the in-laws for dinner - hence my somewhat delayed blip last night. Today they were travelling back to France, so it was all go this morning. After breakfast - home made currant bread with no currants, we decided to go for a walk before they had to leave. Though very unecological we decided to drive to Odiham to walk along the canal, in two cars, so that they could leave directly from there to go home, Odiham being further to the west than we are.

Our car didn't want to start, the battery was flat again, I'll have to take it out and charge it again. Once we have the car running we'll go into town and get a new one, it's the car's original battery and at over 5 years old it's probably at the end of it's natural life...

So we had a walk round our village. We went down a nice sunken lane, then along the northern side of the village to "Little Meadow" where this blip was taken. We planted all sorts of wild flowers into the grass the primroses and clowslips seem to be doing best of all. The ground ivy from a week on Friday was also blipped here. We then inspected the hedge we laid in January, it is bursting into life - which is a relief. We finished the walk off by looping though the community orchard planted this February to find some of the little trees were actually in bloom!

Anyhow, this blip is of a wild cowslip (Primula veris), which is pretty common round here - though apparently less so than they use to be.

* Fruit and spice loaf made with chopped dates, citrus-peel and fig instead of raisins or currants which we appear to have run out of.

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