We Are Not Amused

- neither Queen Victoria on her steed, or his Lordship and I, to see George Square in Glasgow dominated by this huge ferris wheel.

The last time I ventured west, I was persuaded to part with several golden coins for the excitement of being borne aloft to view Glasgow from the sky in one of these cabins.
But today there seemed to be few takers and the cabins rotated at a relatively giddy speed, empty.

Rumour has it that Edinburgh is to have an even bigger one at the west end of Princes Street Gardens on a semi permanent basis.

We already have a ferris wheel at the East end over the Christmas period , but that one blends, with its coloured lights, into the Christmassy backdrop. I'm not at all sure about the new one.

We met up with Glasgow daughter and Nina to hand over the completed Aran cardigan. It had to be done sooner rather than later lest she grows too big to wear it.

His Lordship took us out for lunch to an Italian restaurant in George Square, where we partied with much chat, the entertainment being provided by the cardigan girl.

Edinburgh seemed much duller and drabber when we returned home.

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