1095 Days!

Three years without missing a day, and here I am with my signature cabbage tree.

Thanks once again to Joe and the team, to my Blip friends, my subscribers and all those who leave comments on my journal or just look. Thanks also for everyone else whose journal I enjoy. It's great to belong to this wonderful community.

A year ago I couldn't imagine what I could find to photograph that was fresh. The difficulty with a reclusive country life is that things tend to be much the same year after year and I find myself photographing the same things. The thought of doing it all again depresses me. When I started I made up a lot of rules for myself, which I mostly kept to, such as keeping my shots as natural as possible, showing it how I see it. I can see that this is limiting me. There's more to me than pretty pictures. Expect something different now and then.

I had to take off my new glasses because of the reflections. If I'd planned ahead I would have trimmed my eyebrows, but since my armpit hair migrated to my chin I have been obsessed about that, and let my eyebrows go.

My all-time favourite blips:

Silver hills and golden moon.

Poppies for Remembrance Day.

Storm in the mountains.

Daisy Drops.

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