In My World

By JoanneInOz

Which Way?

What can I say about the Mono Monday "Bridge" photos that I have been looking through, other than "WOW"!

Everyone has really excelled themselves and I have looked through every photo tagged mm55, leaving stars along the way to let you know I have visited your journal. 

There are so many entries each week, and I really wanted to see them all, so haven't left too many comments today. I hope you will forgive me, as I thought the main thing is to look through the photos, and what a pleasure it has been! Thank you all, for continuing to support the weekly challenge with your wonderful work.

Again, I feel so mean only having five hearts to give, when there are so many creative entries, but I have narrowed it down to ~ 

JohnEdward, lovelupins, GingerNan, Hobbs's Run and Xtoffdav.

IF I had five more hearts to give, they would go to ~ Doingok, Nevermore, JDO, Bevie and Chantler63.

If you have the time to do so, follow the links I have added here, and if the photos you see touch your heart as they did mine, perhaps you can spread some love throughout the community too. :)

And now for next weeks theme, which I must admit is rather self-indulgent of me, as I love old buildings, and you know that Australia is a very new I'd like you to find the oldest building you can, and add it for my final week of hosting the Mono Monday challenge. We'll call the theme "Ancient Buildings" and the tag next week will be mm56.

And my photo today is a funny pair of kookaburras who visited me this morning. Their expressions were classic, and I took a series of photos of them, but this one was my favourite. :)

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