Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The bridge... the next chapter of our lives.

We are tucked into a motel just into North Carolina, having put on 650 miles today. I snapped this photo through our dirty car window, at 70 MPH, with my iPhone this morning. I love the structure of bridges Luke this although I'm not sure I've ever photographed one. Anyway, a bit of fiddling in Snapseed to give it an HDR treatment and...voila.

Phoebe was a good girl for most of the trip with only a little fussing. She is now sprawled out on the motel room bed with me. Hubs has gone out to pick up a quick dinner and we have some wine chilling in our little fridge.

We will hit the road early tomorrow to make the last 600 miles of our trip. And can you believe it ---it is SNOWING in NJ today! I am fervently hoping it melts by tomorrow.

Forgive the lack of comments right now. I will catch up once we get settled into our house in NJ.


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