Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Home Sweet Home

We arrived on the Lane around 5 and nearly as soon as we pulled up the drive, I felt a rush of emotion. Took me a bit by surprise, I must say. I walked out back to my garden and felt my eyes filling with tears - the good kind.

It feels so right to be back here. As much as I loved Florida, I can't help feeling that our story in New Jersey isn't finished just yet. Many emotions whirling around in my heart right now.

Hubs and I unpacked the car and got Phoebe settled then went out to buy some essentials at Home Depot followed by dinner at our local pasta joint. Felt so familiar.

Tomorrow morning I will clean the house, open the Bistro and get something to grill for dinner.

Thanks for stoppingn by, and for joining me on this crazy ride called "life."


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