The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Super Fly

I asked him if I could take his picture and he told me he was cool with whatever I did so long as it did not involve a fly swatter, a sticky trap or a can of Raid. He also said that he pretty much knew that a creature like me would do whatever I so desired to a bug like him.

I asked him his name and he looked confused for a bit. A few moments later, he said his name was Super Fly. Of course it was. I should have never asked. Despite his right wing, he flew like a fighter pilot.

In big, he buzzes.

I had a series of conference calls from home today but discovered that the range of my wireless home phone spanned from my camera bag to the garden and that the mute button worked perfectly.

Have a great weekend. I have seen a bit of the Jubilee and I wish I was there to see the celebration.

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