Fire salamander in the little brook that joins the Weser river.
After lunch we walked along the Weser, to the sheep and beyond.
A warm day and there were many tiny creatures enjoying this, next to us, of course.
We walked till we came at the tunnel under the railway and walked the cycle path at the other side back.
The salamander is easily seen, but it had been four years since I had seen one. That had been in the forest. This one was half in the water and crept on land. It was at a rather dark place. That did not prevent me to make as many photos as I could. Till the amphibian disappeared under a stone.
We went uphill and drank our tea on the balcony. It was still so warm and we even had our meal later outside. It felt like summer. How marvellous is that!

My haiku:

Look there in the brook
The salamander
In yellow and black

And the proverb:

Make not a balk (balks) of good ground. ( Don't waste a good chance)

(balk = a ridge or piece left unploughed by accident or carelessness)

1636  Camden 302.

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