came swimming to a safe place where the babies could land and eat the grass.
I had seen some days ago these families (there were two big families) sitting on a shore of a little canal. In the canal there swam two swans, who prevented the family to come in the water. I wondered what had happened and I am sure they eventually had found a way to avoid the danger and come to this safer place.
Two families came swimming, one with already some bigger babies, four they had, and this family of the photo that had three little ones.
They seem to stick together and but as soon they came on land, they choose a different part of the meadow.
There was a family of Nile geese already camping, the little ones keeping under the warm body of Mother.
At twelve the sirene did their exercise and suddenly all animals kept alert not knowing if there was an acute danger.
In the afternoon Piet Hein and I went to the windy beach, walked first to the north, and then south. A strong wind, high surf, not a time for going into the sea.
Tomorrow we will travel back home, to Germany.

My haiku:

Our world is like this
Go where a safe place is for
You and see what happens

And the quote by Euripides in The Phoenician Women:

Nothing's as good as holding on to safety.

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