Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yo! Get a room!

Alternative caption:  Hank!  Get out of here!  Can't you see I'm busy?

I had to go with the funny photo today.  This made me laugh when I saw it, hopefully you'll laugh, too.

This time of year the longhorn beetles all seem to be mating...and they really don't care if you stick your lens right up next to them; they've got one thing, and one thing only, on their little beetle minds!  These are Red Milkweed Beetles - aptly named since 1) they are red and 2) they can always be found on milkweed this time of year.  Yet another great reason to plant lots of milkweed.

I thought my naturalist group was meeting today so I drove to where I thought we were meeting, 40 minutes from here...only to realize that I had messed up my calendar and the date was yesterday!  (Smacks head in disgust).  But, since I was there, I figured I'd have a wander and see what I could find.  Temps were pleasant and the sky was overcast, making ideal conditions for insect/macro photography.  And since today is TinyTuesday...well, it seemed right.

I saw all kinds of interesting critters, some that I still haven't identified, and some that I posted on Flickr.  On the way home, I saw a fawn guzzling milk from its mum, right by the side of the road.  So, of course, I stopped - Mom tucked into the woods but the youngster paused for several minutes to study me, allowing for some photos.  I only had the macro lens, not really ideal for wildlife, but I managed to get some okay photos.  I've posted The fawn HERE on Flickr.  And there are 7 other macro shots from today there also if you have a few minutes...

Now, I think I will go out and have a glass of wine on the deck and watch hummingbirds...  Speaking of which, thank you so very much for the many kind comments on my hummingbird yesterday!  You'll be seeing more of them...and I'm not making any apologies, either!


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