Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Chew headphones? Moi?

We met up with two prospective dog borrowers this morning, and had a wander with them in the Meadows. The young couple, Jen and Anthony, were very taken with Arch, and how well behaved he was. We met a few dogs, had chats to dog owners and came back for a coffee.

We met Bob the Westie, and a tiny wee puppy called Biscuit, who was very bouncy and excitable, but Archie was patient while Biscuit chomped on his beard and generally pestered him. When it came time for Biscuit to go home, he lay down and refused to move.

In the afternoon the sun came out and it was warm! I mowed the lawns, then sat in the sun with a beer, contemplating getting the barbecue out ... and then it poured. I watched the Athletics instead.

Here's Archie wondering why he's allowed near my new iPod Touch and the even newer headphones, which replaced the ones he chewed.

It's just for the photo Arch - you'll never be near them again.

PS Bailey's mum has just messaged to say that they've conquered Schiehallion (1083m) today! Bailey's first Munro. Well done both!

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