I had a terrible nights sleep which is very unusual for me.  My right hip/pelvis was very painful even when I remained still.  In the end I took codeine and finally drifted off.  Surprisingly I have felt Ok today after not much sleep. 

 I went to Newcastle this afternoon.  Did some shopping and went to the railway station to pick up my tickets for the trip to Berwick in a couple of weeks.  I also collected a ticket from The Tyneside Cinema to see " Its A Wonderful Life "  in December.   I have seen the film on TV but it will be good to see it on the big screen.

The weather today has been less rainy than yesterday and still mild.

My blip today is one of the four quirky plaques which can be found on  pavements of Grainger Street and carry details about fictitious characters. The inscriptions are an alternative take on the city's blue heritage signs and celebrate the lives of ordinary people. They were designed by Newcastle-based artist Rupert Clamp who says that the stories behind the plaques just came from his own imagination and the important thing is that the events could happen to anyone.  I will try and blip the other three in the future.

Steps today - 8,784

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