
This guy, and his friend of equal size, were feasting on our basil plants this morning. when we tried to shoo them away, one of them jumped on Leah, causing her to launch her iPhone across the room into our bonsai tree. He then proceeded to head up the blinds and I got this shot of him before kicking him back outside.

Ran out to Arlington to drop some stuff by my office, return a book to the library, pick some more books. I have a twenty page seminar paper due in just over a week and I am just now getting my sources together. Summer semester, man. Crazy.

Ended the night on a rather high note. A few days ago, I had entered some shots in a city-sponsored photography contest and ended up winning first place in three of the seven categories and being a runner up twice more times. It was all such an amazing honor and I am extremely grateful. I will keep you updated if the shots get used somewhere, by the City or otherwise (though some of the winning shots were Blips, like this shot of the Modern. Received some very nice gifts--probably most excited about the UT Press book of Remington and Russell's western art and the 150 dollars in Central Market cooking classes. Those are something that Leah and I have been talking about doing for a while but either due to cost or time we never followed through. Now that we have these gift certificates for the classes...Bon Appetit.

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