British drivers in wet weather*

There are two things I would change about British motorway driving, if I could. Firstly, I would set the speed limit to 55mph at the first drop of rain and, secondly, I would forbid lorries from overtaking one another, whatever the weather.

I can already anticipate the moans and arguments from Clarkson loving driving enthusiasts regarding the first of those policies but the truth of the matter is that about 5% of them can actually drive as well as they think they can. The other 95% are beatifically confident right up to the point that they find that they aren't quite as capable as they thought.

Fortunately, I set off pretty early, this morning. I was on the road from mum and dad's at five to eight, Gary Numan's 'Engineers' album playing to the deserted streets of Worcester Park. And it was all OK until I was some way up the M40 and the rain came down in earnest, at which point the whole sudden braking overture to the main event of motorway misery began.

In the end it took a ridiculous five and half hours to get up to the Minx, although everything improved from there :-)

*With apologies to Mark E Smith and The Fall: 'British People In Hot Weather'

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