
We made it!!! Half term over. Spring term done. One term left of Y1. I'm not totally sure how that's possible. But it is!! We have done it. We made little Easter daffodil bunches for the teachers which she took this morning. She didn't like the end of term treat film - it was The Muppets Most Wanted for the whole school. That film really frightens her, she cried when I took her to the cinema, we tried it again on Netflix and she made me turn it off. Thankfully once she was actually crying in the middle of the hall, the teachers let her go back to her classroom, to be joined by 6 others of classmates... 

We have next to nothing planned for this holidays which is pretty unheard of for us really, but I am sure we will find some adventures along the way. We have plans to finish decorating the lounge, to do the garden and fence perhaps, and Katie has decided she wants to do a project about Tchaikovsky, do lots of maths and work on her time-telling and read lots of her books that she's had on her shelf a while and not read yet. She started that mission tonight, with this terrible, terrible book but she's enjoying it, it's holidays. I don't care. 

Tonight was a proper "first night of the holidays" affair. Chip shop chips for tea, eaten in our jammies, with a DVD and a chocolate donut for pud. She then danced for an hour in protest at the fact that there's no dance class for 2 weeks. 

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