a town called E.

By Eej

With insects like this ...

... who needs aliens?

It was time for my annual cicada exo-skeleton, I saw on my one-year-ago thumbnails. I read (and found) they usually climb as high up as they can on wood so I kept looking on the birdhouse (2010), and the shovels (2011). Nothing. Until I took the tarp off the pool when I needed a soak earlier and this one came falling out. I didn't even shriek - but then again, it's not really an insect anymore is it? The shrieking-ship has sailed. Now, if I'd find one of these before it morphed into something that is ALSO scary they'd hear me in Detroit.
Anyway, I played with it for a bit and then thought that it would be kinda cool if I'd let the sun shine through the shell. So I stuck Mr. Cicada to some tape and held him up. The macro rings, while cheap, are limited in focus and sharpness but I still liked this. It's creepy. AND sunny.

I made a cake for tomorrow's reunion, soup to get rid of some zucchini, did dishes and laundry and cleaned the bathroom. I think I should nap a bit so I can be awake when the Beloved comes home from work because I have to thank him for some surprise Jeff Buckley he put on my computer :)

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