
By LuvU2

Woodworm Beatles?

Beetles are small insects which can fly as adults, lay eggs in timber and chew wood as their source of food. The worms (larvae) will burrow, eating the timber until ready to mature into the adult and reproductive phase. I am not sure if this is what we have her, but I suspect this little bugger of being from this origin!

I must admit, the quality of the pic is not too good, but believe me, he is a little busybody, could not get him to sit still and do the pose thing for me!!

Margaret, our junior house girl, discovered this when polishing the dining room furniture this morning!

You may recall my blip of 19 November ?Statue?, which was taken on that particular sideboard in the dining room, the statue sat on the cloth with cowrie shells.

When Margaret removed that cloth this morning, this little worm, only 1,5cm long, was busy eating away at the sideboard?s top, it?s cocoon lying next to the hole he has already nibbled away! Believe it or not, there was another hole, the same size and another smaller, round one, where he has just started a new meal for himself!

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