
Patterns made by nature, and patterrns made by man.

The large leaves have some great lines. The leaf on the right reminds me of an elephant ear that you buy at the county fair. Yummy. The ducks create some nice ripples in the water, and somebody really likes to stack rocks. They stood higher than me.

Patterns remind me of 3 things.

At the Post was not a good word. For the people who called in sick...they watched them for patterns. Too many Saturday or Monday call-ins earned you a trip to the front office, and a red mark in the attendance book. Never concerned me. If you're in. If you're not sick...go to work. Simple.

2. The word patterns remind me of my mom. In an era where a lot of people made their clothes, she was always going to Mill End...looking for dress patterns. We would tail along any chance we got...hoping for an extra stop at a five and dime. (Where were the Dollar Trees when we needed them?)

3. The patterns, or the stages of life. Baby, infant, toddler, tween, teen, young adult, 30-something, 40-something, middle age, senior citizens, and...finally...old farts.

I thought about the stages as I walked by the tennis courts today. 4 "elderly" women were playing. The 5-6 points I witnessed were not good tennis. golly...they were out there doing it, and were having a great time. Good for them! It also provided me with a chance for a small good deed...retrieving a tennis ball that had gone over the fence. Good for me!!

Just past the courts...I stopped at my new favorite thistle bush. I put four shots of a tiny bee stealing the pollen from a bigger bee on my THISTLE page. Some nerve! Just like at my former always have people (or insects), that want the results without putting forth the effort.

Enough preaching. Hope you had a great Wednesday, and a special shout out to my older sister. Today...she is six decades one. Happy Birthday Sis!

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