I got when I cycled from my home to the city-centre.
In the ditch near the park Bokkefort I saw the seven goslings. They stayed closely together. Father and Mother were at the end of the little canal.
I was on my way to the fabric market at the Spuiplein, but I stopped when I saw the birds. I kneeled at the slope and before my eyes a spectable or a scene if you prefer developped in the water. They floated slowly in changing formation and now I saw two or three together, then four, and there a lonely one drifted by.
The next moment they came together in a soft pace and before long three let go and there a new line developped and again it changed. And it changed and I was enchanted in their dance!
I took many pictures and every time a new formation I sighted oh and ahhhh.
At my right I saw a rat on the shore and I thought well why not include her, but as I made a movement she vanished in the water.
At one moment Father came swimming towards the goslings but did not come near, just blew the ducks away. And the Mother came too but only to catch Father and they both swam away.
I stayed for a long time, then I saw the goslings closing their eyes, first some of them, then the others too and all of them danced their rhythm in an endless stream.
Then I forced myself to follow my journey.
At the market I saw so many fabrics and not one that I thought apropriate for my rocking bench. Too dark, too childish, too much print, too little.

My haiku:

Enchanted dances
But without the loud music
Of an old russian composer

And the proverb:

She/he dances well to whom Fortune pipes.

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