Speaking of Borage

This is totally NOT how I envisaged the image. I found it impossible to smile and keep the flowers IN my mouth at the same time.

I did ask a friend if she would model actually eating the flowers so I could prove that they are totally edible but she didn't seem keen - humph. Worth stating that all props were eaten by me after the creation of this self portrait. The photos I took of me actually eating them not only made me look like a demented cow chewing its cud, you couldn't really see the flowers anyway.

My son was brought up eating things like dandelion, borage and pansy salad and my truck-driving boarder at one time loved me making flower salads for him for his work lunches - the looks on his workmates faces when he ate them kept him laughing for weeks.

I collected more props and have popped them in the freezer to see if I can't create an addition to this wee borage series. Depends on how they look when they're frozen.

Many thanks for your stars and hearts for yesterday's borage entry.

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