Natural Artwork

More reasons for blipping… Part 2 of 2!
* You! You are one of the reasons I love Blipfoto! I use Blip to tell my stories but I also learn so much, and hear so many stories from You!
* I’ve always enjoyed travelling and with blip I can travel from my kitchen! And I love learning too. As a (ex-)teacher I’ve always thought learning is important. I love that feeling that I suddenly know things I didn’t know before. They can be big things or really small things; it makes little difference to me, and who decides anyway what is a big or a little thing.
* So Blip gives me a combination of travel and learning. There is a snow farm in New Zealand often blipped by acyclinggranny, as is a certain tree in a lake. New Zealand is the other side of the world but I also follow people who live in Sweden, both north, Uknekta, and south, MissRAble, of me, and I have learned so much about Scotland!! hazelh from Edinburgh was one of my first blip contacts, and the intriguingly named Lifeat60Degrees introduced me to Shetland.  CannyScot was also one of my first contacts.
SecondSeason lives in a climate similar to ours in mid-Sweden, but on the other side of the Atlantic, in Canada. p4muk  is a young Turkish woman living in Istanbul (I think). I don’t always understand her cryptic titles but who cares, there’s a lot about young people I don’t understand.
* Stories - What I think is so great about Blip is that I get pictures from other people’s lives, and I also get at least a part of a story about their lives.  FerginCasentino moved to Italy, intothehills  (an inspiration in so many ways) needed surgery, Tivoli  moved to the UK and started to build a new life. Kendalishere seems to live a life of inspiration and is working to change the USA for the better. Sometimes the stories stop in mid flow. Something changed and the storyteller stop blipping - I wonder what happened to Fluffikens, and hope it was a good change.
* The blipper I live with also helps me in so many ways with blip, Jan, alias HarlingDarling - a good example, a motivator, definitely creative, coming at things from another angle and all round love of my life!
* You! As I started this part 2, so I’ll finish it.  You are my reason for blipping. I tell my stories to you, and I listen to your stories. I hope I give you a smidgen of inspiration, and I certainly take inspiration from you. If you didn’t get your very own mention in my reasons for blipping, please accept my apologies. There just wasn’t room for everyone if this was not to be a book. As I write this I think of many more people I’d love to add, that I need to add. There’s no time, but know you are not forgotten. If you are ever passing by, driving along the E4 past mid-Sweden, know there is The Red House available for you if you want to stay a night or two. The house sits there waiting for family or friends to visit, and any blipper is welcome to stay there. Slightly basic but warm with a living room, kitchen, and bathroom, with beds for 5 people though we’ve squeezed more in when needed.
* That's it from me, celebrating 5 years on Blipfoto. Thank-you for keeping me here!

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