Giving Thanks

*This blip is a day late on purpose.

When I finally accepted that I needed surgery, that I had to throw those dice, it was a picture of this view that I used to explain my job to the surgeon Mr Parsons, the Grand Jorrasses from the Grand Col du Ferret, the grandest view my work offers me. But it doesn't just explain my job; it's my hopes, my aspirations, my sense of self, its the why of who I've been, become and want to be.

It's the me I've thought lost in the long dark winter months after the operation, the me the black dog wakes in the witching hours, the me that nearly gave up. 

Finally back here again, feeling strong, with happy clients, I wandered off aways to pause and ponder, to smile and give thanks.

Thanks of course to Mr Parsons who did such a wonderful job after every other surgeon wrote me off. Thanks to Mrs IttH, I know I've been a nightmare of bored frustration. Thanks to dear Pushka for cuddles and love. Thanks to all those friends who encouraged me, supported me, lifted my spirits. Those who've come out on short days, who've hugged me when we've turned back, who continued to invite me whatever.
Thanks to Emma for trusting me when I said I thought I could, thanks to the Cheng family for making this such a blast.
Thanks to the loved ones lost who look after me still.
And a special thanks to all you blippers for being a never ending source of good vibes.

*I've delayed blipping this as today marks 50 weeks since the operation. Mr P said I'd know in a year. I know he said that but I always thought it would be less....

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