The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Who lives here?

We went back to Westonbirt arboretum today to meet up with Kindahorrigans and her children. Her husband, Nick, was at a meeting. We did meet up with him for a short while after our walk. CleanSteve instructed Sarah Horrigans' son Felix in the art of frisbee throwing, see here,and has made a friend for life, I think! Maddy, their old daughter, is more artistic and presented us with beautiful drawings, one of a narwhal and another of the world, which is bringing on a flood of Carpenters song reminiscences. I was only a kid at school when "I'm on top of the world, lookin' down on creation"came out, and I didn't even know it was a pop song!

The arboretum was glorious with winterblueskies, but I have chosen to blip these fungi which were on the wooden "Stepping stones" in case the little people who live in them are reading this. Beautiful houses, so delicate!

I originally made a collage of our day, but I have been feeling headachey again. I think it's the sinuses, or maybe a bug too! It has made me feel tired, so by the time I'd assembled it and realised that all the pictures needed correcting, I decided it would be easier just to process one of them! This is the shot I liked best. If anyone can tell me what these fungi are, please do!

More Westonblips
24th October
11th November

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