Mischa sings when I wake up and she has a balloon for me too, saying happy birthday. My dearest daughter and Piet Hein felicitate me.
The sun is shining but not so exuberant as yesterday and surprise suprise in the afternoon it snows.
I walked to the ponds to see how the waterbirds are doing. One young swan is sitting all alone on the ice. She comes towards me when I open the bag with oatmeal and she eats sitting. Reason for me to phone Hetty, the woman that knows everything in the neighbourhood of animal and espescially of swan life.
She tells me immediately where the swans are locked in a small ice free hole. There are many places where she already was, fed the birds and she will look into this young one too, later in the day.
Piet Hein went alone to the beach and comes back with extraordinary pictures of two seals lying on the sand of a small island of the Zandmotor.
He places his one picture a day on flickr.

My haiku:

Save one animal
If you cannot save the world
Is that what I think?

And the proverb:

He/she that gives me small gifts would have me live.

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