From Hot to Freeeeeeeezing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arrived back in the UK at 7.30am today - Manchester airport reported it was minus 4 C (25F) and it surely did feel like it when we got off the plane!!!!!!

As we had to drive from the north west to East Anglia (a south easterly diagonal-across-the-country trip) we took the scenic Peak District route ...... this photo was taken somewhere near Woodhead/Cadding Wood in Derbyshire at about 9.45am .... and I got some strange looks from passing motorists as I jumped out of the car in a short sleeved shirt in a convenient lay-by (rest area) with my point & shoot. The higher we got, the more snow there was ....... woooooo it was COLD!

Distant Wind Turbines

SOOC apart from a slight crop.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my holiday 'postcards' and comment faithfully ...... very much appreciated. I doubt I'll ever catch up but the intention is inside me - honest!!

SONY DSC-HX5V : f/9 : 1/500" : 6mm : ISO 125

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