Travels Through A Lens

By SnapshotSam


BORING BLIP ALERT! Click away now if you've got anything else that you could be doing.

For anyone who has stuck with me my question to you is 'Is a trainer just a trainer?'

You just choose a colour and style you like and away you go, right? Oh no! It's a minefield getting the right trainer that works for you and with so much choice there must be my perfect trainer out there but don't rely on it being a colour you like because colour choice doesn't come into it when you're serious about your trainers :)

I did get some running shoes at the start of my training as I didn't want to start off with bad footwear putting me off running altogether. I went to a running shop and they checked my walk and I tried lots of different styles and these are the ones I chose which are really comfortable and light and they're what is termed 'neutral'. They got to my 11km mark but do smell of cat food as a result of one of the cats doing a very good job of being sick inside and all over the trainers. They did get a thorough washing but you can't put them in the washing machine. They have also been out pounding the roads.

However I've been getting the shin splints again and I was reading up on running gaits. It could be because I'm increasing the mileage but I wanted to check I was wearing the right trainers for the way I run. There are under pronators, over pronators and neutral and trainers specific to each.

Today I went to the running shop in Leeds which has a treadmill where they film your feet and legs whilst running which can then be slowed down to see how your legs and feet move. So there I was in my black dress and tights and white running shoes running on the treadmill. They did also check how I stood on one leg and my arches in stockinged feet. Maybe the one leg but was them having a bit of fun and nothing to do with trainers! The diagnosis is that I'm an over pronator.

Unless you're lucky and/or younger I presume you can run pain free in any trainer or if you are Zola Budd, no trainers. I now know how important it is to have the right trainer that works for you to stay as pain free as possible. I will get to 13 miles somehow.

Training log - 5 miles on the treadmill tonight. Too late back from work to join up with the running club.

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