Playing the guitar

I'm blipping this very late today because I wanted to blip a photo of the concert I went to this evening. A few of my friends play in the band, which is called Percy and the Mooncats. They play 80's rock music and are all dressed in spandex, colourful wigs, funky shades and all that stuff. This concert was meant to raise funds for charity and it was lots of fun. I did really enjoy it!

This was the highlight of my day. The rest of my day was spend working and it was a really busy day. By the time I made it to the concert, I was really knackered.

This is the first time I'm using my big camera to take shots of a concert indoors, by the way. I was using the manual setting and no flash. The maximum shutter speed I can handle in order not to get too much of a hand shake is aroud 1/60 of a second which is not too bad, but not ideal for shots in the dark. All my pictures were rather grainy. However, I was quite happy with the results considering it was the first time I was doing this. Just need more practice!

I quite liked this one after turning it into black and white! :)

Going to bed now. Working again tomorrow!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my sweeping blip! I hope you're all having a great weekend!

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