Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I've been after a good chickadee-in-flight shot for ... well, forever. So, when I uploaded today's shots and saw this, I was a happy bunny. Until I went to lighten it up in Picasa ... and it disappeared! Argh. I hunted and searched and cursed and I may even have shook my fist at the computer ... and I finally found it. It still isn't showing up in Picasa, but I found it using a different program ... grrrr.

This image has been lightened a bit and slightly cropped. The wings are compliments of the chickadee. Ditto the tail.

It was almost 70 F today - wowee! I was able to sit out on the deck and have my tea this morning which was totally great. And, when I went out mid-morning to have a look around, I found BEES!!!! Yay! In fact, had I not been able to find the chickadee shot, you would have gotten a so-so Bumbler in flight or maybe a slightly better bumbler in the pansies. Or perhaps a spry peanut-nabbing titmouse.

In addition to the bumble bee, I also saw a couple of honeybees, a brown wasp (!) and a yellow-jacket (yuck). I was really excited until the yellow jacket showed up. Really don't like them. But you take the bad with the good ...

Tomorrow is supposed to get up into the 70's so I am aiming for a bee tomorrow ...

Thanks for sending my bluebird to the Spotlight yesterday. No sign of them today, but spring is young and there is still time...


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