Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Stabiliser Leg

Kids had their first term "honour assembly" today. Mrs tsuken and I had received an invitation to attend, as Miss 7 was getting an award. So we went. She received a "curriculum award" for "most improved" ... she's got that a number of times, so by now she must be the best in the school xP

Anyway, early on in proceedings the choir came out to sing a song, and all of a sudden we noticed Mstr 5 at the side. First we knew about him being in the choir! He sang earnestly and I think quite confidently, with some smiles once he saw us watching. Then came Miss 7's class with their recorders, and she was great.

Funniest part for me was the national anthem, so everyone has to stand up. Miss 7 showed herself to be 100% a little me: turning around, looking every which way but forwards, checking out everything and everyone, restless and very much not proper. That's my girl, and she ain't ever gonna change. xP

Here Mstr 5 is practising for tomorrow's billycart derby ... they're allowed to ride scooters instead of building a cart (though we'll do a cart for next year's). His foot is actually off the ground here; as much as it looks like he's stationary, he was caning down the path.

Gotta go now; watching Dr Who. :-D

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