The Barcode for Informatics

I can't ever remember being blown across a street in Edinburgh as I was this morning.
I don't think for a moment that this was because of my reduced force of gravity, but rather that the gusts of 60 mph wind, hurtling round corners decided to use me as their playthings. His Lordship's hat looked likely to become a bowler, had he not removed it and my efforts in the hair coiffeuring department were as nought in the first two seconds of weather exposure.

The amusing thing was that we had ventured forth to buy helium balloons for our party on Saturday, but on encountering the strength of the wind, we realised that an airborne type Mary Poppins return home was to be avoided at all costs.The ballons will stay in the shop until Saturday.

Edinburgh University has over the years been responsible for several buildings around the once lovely George Square which have become eyesores both in design and finish, but this new Informatics building at Potterrow is to my mind an exception and deserves a mention.

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