Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Take two

…and call me in the morning.

Predictably, I woke up in the middle of the night with the “booster blues” -achy muscles and a monster headache. Two Tylenol and back to bed. Repeat in the morning. I slept all morning after having a piece of toast for breakfast. Then a bit more sleep in the afternoon.

None of this is unexpected or alarming as this is what I felt after the second vax and first booster. Unfortunately, I’m wasting a beautiful day and Jax definitely doesn’t understand why I’m not at his beck and call.

Tomorrow I will be fine. And a day of yuck is worth the bit of extra protection, in my opinion. MIL got her jab yesterday too and is also feeling poorly.

So nothing else to report today. I hear a piece of something dark calling me…


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