Ari drinking water... in a nice glass? :)

I arrived safe and sound to Helsinki today. The flight was good. I flew via Amsterdam. I really like waffles and biscuits with caramel filling they give you in KLM flights. Another thing I really enjoyed was the view of Southern Finland from the plane, with amazing patches of half-frozen water. Wonderful!

I was rather impressed with myself because I managed to get a bus and a tram from the airport to my hostel without getting too lost. I only had to ask a few people, but I eventually got there! :)

Later on I had a brief blipmeet with my good friend Ari. We went for a walk to take a few pictures and then we went to have a coffee and I had something to eat as well. It was a good chat and laugh!

Planning to get lost in Helsinki tomorrow and take lots of photos. Other blippers in Helsinki, let me know if you're free. Otherwise, I might see you in the blipmeet in the evening!

Thanks very much for your nice comments! I'm sorry I won't have much time for comments myself! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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