
There's something about those eyes.

Thanks for the kind thoughts yesterday. Things have been less out of kilter today; indeed, they have all fallen rather nicely into place - eventually at least. The weather this morning was beautiful for a cycle into work and then, exactly as predicted, it clouded over to bring rain this afternoon, which cleared later, enough to allow me to cycle back between showers and stay dry. The light was wonderful this morning and the cloudage has been spectacular this evening, but I've been drawn to this shot today.

I spotted this guy as I turned into the lane that leads to the office and before I knew what I was doing I had parked up the bike and had pounced on him. He had such a great look going and I couldn't resist asking for a photograph. He duly obliged - as I find almost everyone does. He was born in England but his parents are from Kashmir. Lovely fellow.

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this street portraiture thing. All I know is that I love it and I'm aware of getting bolder and more confident all the time. Today, for the journal, this marks a kind of threshold where I'm not just reasonably comfortable around asking strangers if I can take their photograph but on occasion feel completely compelled to. I take as many shots as I think I can get away with and pick the one that goes nearest to capturing the personality that I encountered. This one worked best somehow this morning. I'm making the rules up as I go along. Well, I don't suppose there are any rules really!

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