Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Chasing Rainbows

On the drive home from a theater event at my oldest daughter's school this evening, she spotted a brilliant rainbow out her passenger side window. Concentrating on the road, I couldn't see it. But I found a place to pull over as soon as possible and jumping out of the car on the side of the highway, I quickly snapped this blip. I knew I wouldn't really be satisfied with the quality, as far away as my target was, so we literally went rainbow chasing :)

I'd hoped we'd catch another glimpse of it when we got to the river crossing - and we did. Sadly, there was no place on the bridge to pull over. It would have been a great shot. Turning down a side road and following the river til we got to a clearing of Raps fields, we watched the rainbow disappear before our eyes. Elusiveness defined.

Still, the journey was fun. The fleeting moments when we spied the spectrum of color between trees and traffic were surely worth the gold legend claims is at the end of the arc. My daughter laughed at the ridiculousness of her mother chasing rainbows - but what better pursuit is there, than that of our dreams?

Happy Friday my friends!

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