ESC Cutest Couple

Tonight was the annual expat Eurovision Song Contest party... Our hosts represented Iceland and managed to find hideous bright polyester suits to match those worn by their country's contestants. They were completely adorable, singing and dancing along with the band when Iceland took the stage. Such a cute couple!

We went as the Netherlands, and took the easy route in jeans and orange t-shirts. So close to winning this year! Which would have meant we host next year's gig. But that honor went to Tracey & Niels, who dressed in traditional dirndl and lederhosen to represent Austria and the bearded lady.

This year's party was lots of fun - until scoring was over! Our hosts had designed a complicated betting system where we had to rank our top 13 country votes before the show. When it was over (at 1:00 am and who knows how many drinks later!!...) We had to tally our scores by calculating the difference between where we ranked each country and their actual standing...then subtract each from 10, then calculate the sum of the 13.... Seriously?!

A great idea in theory, a disaster in reality. If we ever do that again, I vote we seal the bids to be computed and settled at a later date.

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