
I have so many tulips my house it feels like an offshoot of an Amsterdam bulb field. I am kept busy topping up their vases with water and nutrients  to keep them going for as long as I can. They remind me that spring is here even if the outside temperature is what we had in winter. I feel there is a collusion between the energy companies racking up their inordinate wealth and the cosmos responsible for the weather. 

As I slid a leg out of bed this morning the temperature was recorded as feeling like -1° and I certainly wouldn’t have disagreed.

The coven of Merry Widows gathered earlier this morning for coffee and chat. Because we are all of the same generation, we can be as politically incorrect as we like in our conversation without incurring the wrath of people in younger generations who are walking on eggshells when it comes to the use of pronouns and adjectives. 

The sun has eventually appeared here and it will be light till 8pm- the nights are fair drawing out now the clocks have changed

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