Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Water, Water Everywhere!

We've returned to our regularly scheduled NRW weather. Please forgive the brief interruption of sun and moderate warmth.

Yes, that feels much better now. Today's German vocabulary lesson "Dauerregen." A concise term for continuous rain.

My girlfriend Rebecca and I planned a long walk & talk this morning, as neither of us has had time to breath for the last month. But we both were filled with dread when we woke up to grey skies and pelting precipitation.

She texted me as I was dropping kids at school: You still on for walking?
My reply: Maybe we start with coffee and think about walking?

She agreed this was an excellent plan and arrived as I was cooking us a hearty breakfast, with no thoughts of actually venturing out of doors.

But after we cleaned our plates and consumed an encore of Java, it appeared as if the rain was letting up a bit. Thus sufficiently caffeinated with full bellies, we surmised our excuses were exhausted. With shaggy, eager dog in tow, we set out for a quick kilometer or two.

The dense forest provided a bit of shelter from the light drizzle and it felt really good to be out with a friend, despite the unfriendly conditions. We managed nearly 6 kilometers before a limping pup encouraged us home. And the dear dog had precision timing, for as soon as we arrived back under safe shelter, the skies gushed with renewed vigor!

And thus the day continued.... rain, rain, and more cold rain. By evening I was compelled to light a fire and cook a big pot of hot Thai curry tomato soup with roasted red peppers and corn. Friends came over for a round of Canasta and commiserated on the "Mavember" weather.

Tomorrow we shall drive to Amsterdam and hope to leave the water behind :)

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