2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Blue Bear

Up early after long day yesterday. Walked from the hotel into the centre of Denver ready to set up at the conference center. I was surprised at the number of homeless people sleeping in the park by the capital building. They were bundled up in sleeping bags with squirrels dashing around and over them.

I sussed out where the conference center was (the statue of the blue bear peers into the conference center and is huge!) and then went for breakfast in a Bagel shop. Good coffee and a wonderful cream-cheese filled, cinnamon and raisin bagel made me feel almost human, despite the jetlag.

We set up the stand quite quickly and then I had the rest of the day to myself. I went to confluence park and had a good view of the river and some brightly coloured red woodpeckers. I then walked back to the hotel, filled up my water bottle and set off for the botanical gardens and the city park. I must have walked miles but enjoyed the warm sunshine and the sights. There was a wedding in the botanical gardens.

The colonly of cormorants in the city park was unexpected. They were making lots of noise and were very smelly. There were pelicans and egrets too and a great view of the snow capped rocky mountains in the distance.

Got back to my hotel, showered and then got the hotel shuttle minibus back in to the centre to find a spot for solitary dining. Had a very nice curried noodle and tofu dish in a reasonable restaurant and then headed back on foot back to the hotel. The area was quite rough and I was glad not to have left it very late to get back.

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