Lali's World

By Lali

Be nice

Whatever you do in this life, whatever decisions you make... be nice! That's the most important thing!

I've spent most of my life being nice to people who haven't been particularly nice to me, not just at work (that's part of my job, actually) but also outside work, and I've sometimes wondered if it's a good or a bad thing. It can't be a bad thing, I'm sure it can't...

Day off today and feeling a bit better than yesterday, although still in a bit of a strange mood. I managed to miss most of the sun, unfortunately, because I had quite a few things to get sorted. I got them sorted, which made me feel better, but then it was freezing cold when I finally decided to go out for a wander and take some pictures. I went to Portobello beach and it was empty apart from a few folk here and there. It was a bit windy.

Back home now and I still need to go and do some shopping. Working tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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