Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A simple shot...

I decided to go for simplicity today ... in truth, I didn't take a lot of pictures even though there was plenty to see. Just one of those days. But, I really do like this yellow coneflower (just purchased this week at the farm, ready to be planted in one of our flower gardens.) It is currently sitting in its pot next to the scabiosa plants which provide a lovely lavender contrast - kind of begging for a photo, I think.

I did take a few other shots today, including a baby Cardinal, several zinnias, and a rather alarming cocoon of tiny caterpillars (not long for this earth, I'm sorry to say, since they are eating the cherry tree!). If you're interested, five shots are posted on Flickr, here.

Meanwhile, last year's blip is probably worth a look - quite a far cry from the little woodpeckers eating the suet this year; last year a black bear came and ate all the suet. And I think he may have given me his middle claw, too, in a final gesture of defiance. Suet-eating black bear here!

One of our neighbors is being a jerk and letting their teenage kids blast music in their back yard, so loud that it is carrying over to our property. Making my plan to sip a leisurely margarita on the patio this evening seem questionable. But maybe common sense will prevail next door in time for cocktails ...

Hoping you are all having a good weekend.


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