
By fitzbilly

EE Facelift

We've been to Cheltenham today for a few things - some books, some petrol, some bird food and some 'Volume Blow Out Styling Spray' that mrsfb likes. Apparently the latter gives fine or flat hair the volume it deserves from root to tip. We also found a couple more figurines with books for mrsfb's collection in one charity shop, and I bought a blue ceramic duck in another. Overall an exciting day.

I failed in my search for a 17mm ring spanner though. I've just had to order one from Amazon.

I noticed they have given the EE display in Regent Street a new look. Back in 2019 we had a great street photography day in Cheltenham. I did a triptych of 'The EE Girl' which did reasonably OK in one of the annual competitions at camera club (extra). It wouldn't be so effective to do those shots now.

I almost forgot. We also voted when we got home. We only have the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire election this year. There were four candidates. I don't think we have had any pre-election stuff from any of them apart from the current incumbent telling us what a great job he has been doing. We were tempted not to bother voting, but the polling station is only a 2 minute walk, and we should vote shouldn't we. We were the only ones there apart from a mother and small child who were just voting as we arrived. I think the mother voted but the child posted the paper into the ballot box.

One year ago:

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